and its TV spin-off will be well-versed in these luminaries. Despite their traditional reputations as bloodthirsty rapacious savages, the Vikings were turning to Christianity during this period, although how much this was to the exclusion of their traditional pantheon and how much it was as a complement is very much a matter of debate. Either way, you can see the Tree of Ygddrasil on a Christian cross at Dearham in Cumbria, the mischievous and treacherous god Loki on another at Kirkby Stephen (see bottom of page), also in Cumbria, and a whole mass of Thors and Odins in the Isle of Man, sometimes juxtaposed with images of Christ!
We do rather have the habit of conflating disparate races and tribes from this period too. Cumbria’s (and Ireland’s and Scotland’s) “Vikings” were predominantly Norsemen whereas the eastern side of England were predominantly Danes. And the Angles settled mainly in the north and east of the country (“East ANGLia”), the Saxons (“EsSEX”, “SusSEX” “ WesSEX” and “East ANGLia”) in the south. To say nothing of the Jutes (Kent) and Friesians who are cordially ignored. Don’t forget either, that the Celts did not disappear overnight. Most may have drifted west to Cornwall and Wales and “Anglo-Saxon” incursions may have seen the disappearance of the Celtic mini-Kingdoms but the Celtic people did not have their equivalent of the Long March. See Wareham St Mary for some evidence of this.
So it is not altogether surprising that sculptural traditions are not homogeneous in England nor that Yorkshire has a pretty big slice of pre-Conquest Scando-Christian art. Please do not, by the way, talk of the crosses shown here as “Celtic”. Leave the conflation of English artistic traditions to the jewellery makers!
The church itself is ancient. The tower probably dates from about AD1050, although the bell stage is Early English. The original west doorway is particularly interesting although sadly it has been somewhat spoiled by a Norman “vesica” window The west wall of the tower show evidence of an earlier narrower nave that predates the existing one that is delineated by its arcades. This is all very confusing. If the tower is as late as 1050, how come it was bonded to two Anglo-Saxon naves? The answer according to Taylor & Taylor’s “Anglo-Saxon Architecture” (confirming my own logic!) is that the first nave was towerless and that when the tower was built it was simply erected against the west wall with no proper bonding. Then the nave was widened by three feet either side but still without aisles. The aisles were added in the post-Conquest period by cutting through the widened Anglo-Saxon nave. This confirms that the upper parts of today’s nave walls are themselves pre-Conquest. There is now a narrow fifteenth century clerestory
Of the two aisles, the oldest is the north which has round arches and scalloped capitals. The south is later. Still with round arches but with Transitional style capitals. The chancel is a nineteenth century rebuilding in faux Decorated style. The chancel arch is of the twelfth century.