outfall into The Wash. In those days Wisbech, just five miles away, was a coastal port. In days when overland transport was slow, hazardous and cripplingly expensive the Nene was an important commercial artery, taking produce and even limestone, from the Midlands to the sea and thence to London. Today, when Peterborough and London are are a hundred miles and just two hours apart by car this seems almost inconceivable but such were the economics of mediaeval transport. In the eighteenth century the course of the river was rerouted between Peterborough and the sea, thus leaving Upwell - literally - on a backwater. This change in commercial fortunes, of course, explains why this small settlement boasts such an imposing church.
And talking of limestone, this church is made from Barnack stone, one of the most famous of all English quarry stones and used in the construction of four cathedrals. Barnack (which also has a famous church) is a couple of miles outside Stamford in Lincolnshire - and you can still walk your dog over the site of the quarry!. At a distance of only ten to twelve miles the cost of road transport exceeded the cost of the stone itself. We can be pretty sure then that the stone got to Upwell by being taken by boat along the River Welland to where it meets the sea at the western end of the Wash; thence by sea to Kings Lynn at the eastern end of The Wash for the short river journey to Upwell on the Nene.
Architecturally, the church looks much of a Perpendicular style muchness with the exception of the tower. Most of the tower - awkwardly placed at the north west of the church - is in the Early English style of the early thirteenth century. The top section of the tower is in the Decorated style, probably late fourteenth century. Then things get less assured. Pevsner noted that there is a tower arch within the church, these days leading to the fifteenth century north aisle. From that he deduced that the nave of the thirteenth century church originally occupied that space. Thus, so his reasoning goes, the tower then occupied a perfectly conventional position at the west of the nave and but was then marooned where it is in this odd position by the building of a later nave and an aisle to its south. He says that nave was started in around 1300, citing the tracery of the west window and the style of the west door. Unfortunately, my understanding is that the west window is in fact modern and, as I will show below, that doorway is of around 1400 and definitely not of 1300.
An alternative narrative is that the nave was always where it is now; that is that it was contemporary with the tower. Then, so this version goes, the nave was rebuilt in the Perpendicular style in the second half of the fifteenth century and that its west wall masonry (although not its window and doorway) are thirteenth century. My own belief is that Pevsner was right: that today’s nave was a new build and not a rebuilding.
The glory of the church,, however, is its angel roof which is fit to be mentioned alongside the many excellent ones in adjoining Suffolk and the finest of them all, the famous St Wendreda’s in March, Cambridgeshire. March itself is only eleven miles away by road and is the only substantial town on the Middle Level Navigations. As we shall see, however, “angel roof” does not do justice to Upwell’s. The whole roof is a mass of carved figures of every sort and although March’s magnificent squadrons of angels are indeed the nonpareil, Upwell’s is rather more interesting. And not only is it more interesting but is also highly visible and the reason for that is that the church has a surviving west gallery - unusual but not a rarity - and also a north gallery running the length of the nave which is very rare indeed in a church of mediaeval origins. Quite why the brutal Victorian architectural gauleiters who hated such things allowed it to survive is anybody’s guess. But survive it did and from both galleries you have the perfect vantage point to get up close and personal with those angels!
Less remarked upon in other church gazetteers are three quite lovely mediaeval doors to north, south and west of the church. The one inside the north porch is easy to overlook as the porch itself is behind a locked iron gate; but you can clearly see the door with a repeating pattern of birds - possibly swans.
Finally, Upwell forms almost a continuous four mile linear village with its neighbour Outwell. Outwell’s church is the poor relation in most eyes and is largely ignored. But it too has a few surprises and is well worth a visit for its mediaeval glass. Click here to see it.